Monday, December 19, 2011

Tokyo: Striking exhibition on modern Japanese painting

As I roamed through the Internet today, I saw the announcement of a current Exhibition held at the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, called Modern Japanese Art from the Museum Collection, still going on until the 15th January 2012.

Shimomura Kanzan, Autumn Among Trees ,1907

It shows a row of very famous paintings by some of the most recognized japanese artists of the early 20th century like Kano Hogai and Shimomura Kanzan. Some of the paintings have to be changed after some weeks (as I think out of preservative reasons) and the first part of the exhibition has already ended on 15th December, but nevertheless, there's still the second part to be seen. So if you're currently planning your New Years trip to Tokyo, I can really recommend you to go there.

For those of you, who can't get enough painting on one day, the National Museum of Modern Art is also hosting at the same time a corresponding exhibition on Western style painting from the early 20th century Japan, called Undressing Painting: Japanese Nudes 1880-1945. It features a row of famous names such as Kuroda Seiki or Hara Busho, too.

 Hara Busho, Nude, 1906, 
Tokyo University of the Arts

Getting started !

To be honest, since several years I wanted to write a blog. Unfortunately, I never came up with an idea of what might be interesting to read for a broader audience. The occassion to finally start writing recently came up in the process of research for my Phd-project on modern Japanese buddhist painting and its relation to the Bengali school of art. For this project, I'll have to travel over several months through Bengal and Japan. According to this, my blog will mainly function as a travel diary in which I'll tell you about my every days experiences and also give some photo documentations and videos. On the other hand, I hope to find a lot of interesting art related material, which I also plan to upload here from time to time. Travel will start in spring 2012, so updates will come more regularly then.

Anyways, I don't want this to be monologue and always very appreciate your comments!